The Black lives Matters movement, term used for the first time in 2013, is an activist movement developped, on the other side of the Atlantic ocean, as a reslut of polician’s violence and blunders among the afro-american community. “Black lives matter” is the motto of the mobilisation, wich is presented not only in the United States or in Canada but also in Africa, especially in Ghana.
Author: Salomé Bertrand
Presque 20 ans et passionnée par l'écriture depuis l'enfance. Étudiante en journalisme, engagée pour le droit des femmes, éprise de culture urbaine, combattante pour l'égalité et le droit à la différence. Naturellement, participer à B(s)TTF s'imposait.
About cultural appropriation : facts and circumstances
« A Japanese teen wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the logo of a big American company is not the same as Madonna sporting a bindi as part of her latest reinvention. The difference is history and power. Colonization has made Western Anglo culture supreme – powerful and coveted. It is understood in its diversity and nuance as other cultures can only hope to be. Ignorance of culture that is a burden to Asians, African, and indigenous peoples, is unknown to most European descendants or at least lacks the same negative impact. » Tamara Winfrey Harris